Sunday, January 20, 2013

Maybe, Just Maybe...

For all of the problems Dale and I have had cooking the last few days, we may finally be getting our act together! Last night after getting back from our journey to Montserrat and Sitges, I decided pasta would be good for dinner. We had a little bit of tomato sauce left, so I just added a bit of salt and pepper to it and warmed it up while cooking the pasta. Tonight, I decided to be a bit more creative and made a white wine pasta sauce. It is hard cooking on Sunday's because everything, literally almost everything, is closed. The majority of shops and cafes are closed, and the market behind the Residencia is closed as well. Whatever we had for dinner had to be done with ingredients we already had. So, thank goodness for Google, I did a search for white wine pasta sauce and found one that would work. I did have to borrow some garlic powder, but other than that we had everything. Our dinner tonight consisted of macaroni (dinosaur shaped, we ran out of normal pasta), 6 tablespoons of butter, 3/4 cups of white wine, garlic powder, asparagus, and some ground pepper. It was delicious!

My Sunday consisted of me doing absolutely nothing. I did go out with a group for lunch at our normal cafe, but after that I came back to the room and got back in bed, and it was glorious! I was able to finish catching up on TV shows and I watched two movies. I know I probably should have been out exploring the city, but some days I need me time. This was the first day that I had nothing planned and I needed to recuperate for the week coming up.

This week includes four days of class and a flight to Paris early Friday morning for a girl's weekend! The hostel we are staying at includes a walking tour of the city; I can't wait to take pictures!

So, maybe, just maybe, we are starting to get the hang of things. Hopefully we will continue to have good food and time to just hang out, because as fun as it is to go out, I love being able to just sit and talk and get to know everyone a little bit deeper. These girls are awesome! They offer great advice and I know I can count on them to listen.

Hope everyone has a good week! Looking at the forecast for Paris, it is possible that we might see some snow while we are there!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelcey, I'm in the middle of reading a really interesting book about living in Paris. Here's a tip right from the book: whenever you walk into an establishment say with happy confidence to whomever you see "Bon jour". Parisian children, from infancy are taught to greet parents and all others without fail. To not do so is considered beyond rude. The author says you can see people visibly relax once they are greeted with a smile and a "Bon jour". Have a great visit!
